There is a palpable peace that resides within the silence.
There is vibration and frequency residing in the silence which may be perceived, like the “feeling” of sound. If we can master the practice of silence there is a still, small voice available, ready and waiting to guide us. In the silence, a fresh falling snow has an almost imperceptible sound, which can delight the soul if we have the hearing to acknowledge it. We can hear our own breath and our own heartbeat in the silence, and we may even perceive the heartbeat of our beloved through our sensate knowing, in the silence.
What can possibly be more primal, calming and nourishing than a dose of intentional silence in any situation?
Wisdom, claircognizance or direct knowing arrive at the crown chakra, and are a by-product of sitting in the stillness.
Situated at the top-center of your head this chakra or energy center presents the possibility of enlightenment. Though balancing it won’t make us a Buddha, it will surely carry us to peaks of spiritual ecstasy and connect us with our life’s purpose. If you’re blocked here, you are far from alone. A healthy crown chakra is rare.
Meditation is key to bringing clarity, understanding and knowing at this level, Divine wisdom is our birthright.
Lao Tzu, ancient Taoist philospher and author of the Tao Te Ching, once said:
“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.”
Enlightenment is simply the process of becoming aware of your unconscious layers of personality and dropping those layers. They are not you; they are false faces. Masks. And because of those false faces, you cannot discover your original face.
Enlightenment is nothing but the discovery of the original face – the essential reality you brought with you, and the essential reality you will have to take with you when you die. All these layers gathered between birth and death will be left here behind you.
The man of enlightenment does exactly what death does to everybody, but he does it himself. He dies in a way and is reborn, dies in a way and is resurrected. And his originality is luminous because it is part of eternal life.
It is a simple process of discovering yourself.
You are not the container but the content.
Discarding the container and discovering the content is the whole process of enlightenment.