SPRING: Behold, I Make All Things New

SPRING: Behold, I Make All Things New

In traditional Chinese medicine, spring is the time of detoxifying and cleansing.  The element associated with springtime is wood, the color is green and the organ influences are that of the gall bladder and liver.

There are many indications of toxicity in the body: allergies; lethargy; weight gain; mucous and congestion anywhere in the body; pain; constipation; moodiness; PMS; and the list goes on… Our bodies are intimately connected to the earth and its elemental influences.If we are paying attention to the signs of our bodies (symptoms) and the signs in nature (seasons; weather; plants; animal messengers; skies; sun; moon cycles) we are moving forward in a harmonious flow with all that is.

Yoga: A Journey Through The Chakras

Yoga: A Journey Through The Chakras

When we hear the word “Chakra” it often gets dismissed as lofty or “woo-woo” in a sort of New Age-y, roll of the eyes, manner.

In reality the Chakra System is a proven, empowering and logical frame of reference for understanding the truth of our being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It provides a thorough and accurate classification for decoding illness, emotional affliction and human suffering on the deepest of levels. With methodical knowledge reaped from a clear understanding of the energy or light centers in the human body, we can achieve profound healing for our self(s), learn what it means to be healthy and make the necessary adjustments to create a full and happy life.

Savor It, ALL...

Savor It, ALL...

As published, Natural Awakenings Magazine - December 2018

There is an art and method to the savoring of a Life. It requires intention and spaciousness. Our intention is necessary in a prioritizing and “goal-setting” sort of way – to make room for the byproduct, spaciousness.  In the spaciousness, time becomes available to value what is in the foreground of my unique and individual life.  “What is presenting itself at this moment for my consideration?” The consideration element is crucial as our minds cannot possibly access and process the depth of those things worth savoring in just an instant.



Paradoxical in its simplicity, this common phrase offers a succinct commentary on the path to enlightenment.  “Enlightenment” as defined by the process of discovering the true self. For most of us, this process only begins after the lower self has really made a mess of things in its quest to be the One. However, it is not the One.

Evolutionary Consciousness: The Process of Initiation

Evolutionary Consciousness:              The Process of Initiation

These are incredible times. We are in the midst of great wonder, beauty and peril.  We are ushering in a new era, and in seasons of great change - great resistance rises. This is evident not only on a global level, but within each individual human life we are being asked to let go of attachment and “the way things are/were” in favor of unprecedented change and great uncertainty. 

It Takes Courage...

It Takes Courage...

What keeps you from slipping into your greatest aspirations and living your wildest dreams?  I recall an old poster hanging on my wall as an adolescent, a beautiful, giant, blue butterfly and the sentiment read, “You can fly, but that cocoon has got to go.” What’s holding you back? Tired relationships? Destructive behaviors and self-talk? All that chronic negativity that we often wear like a badge of honor destroys vitality, joy and forward movement. 

Beauty, Thy Name Is Balance

Beauty, Thy Name Is Balance

As published, Natural Awakenings Magazine - June 2018

We are bombarded today, by messages about what we should or could be, indicating that we are not enough. The truth is, we already are enough.

No one can sell you a miracle cream, sensational supplement, wonder drug or supernatural treatment unless they can convince you of the lack in your life. To be convinced requires a pre-existing belief system that colludes with what is being marketed or sold. Our thoughts create our reality.

Beauty comes from within.

The Healing Crisis

The Healing Crisis

As published, Indigo Sun Magazine - May 2018

There is a widely misunderstood phenomenon when the body begins to authentically heal. The misunderstanding, more often than not, serves to stifle the healing process altogether and prolong the disease.

The human body possesses an innate healing intelligence and a propensity toward healing. When it receives the necessary nutrients and appropriate conditions to maintain this remarkable physical matrix i.e. proper rest, high vibration - organic foods, harmonious relationships, and peaceful dwelling, combined with a sense of purpose, even the most dreaded diseases begin to release their hold.

Stepping Back: Reflections on Detachment & Rediscovering the Authentic Self

Stepping Back:  Reflections on Detachment & Rediscovering the Authentic Self

Love is the only response to the complex questions of the Universe, again and again, and again. As a holistic health practitioner and intuitive guide I am challenged daily by the opportunity to assist souls in embracing and understanding “loving detachment”. This is a blessing for me because it affords me diverse perspectives on different days for the infinite ways each one of us might perceive a genuine understanding of this evolved, spiritual practice. A complicated, yet simple concept it is obviously paradoxical in nature for most of us at present. Webster’s dictionary very clearly describes detachment as separation. “Separation” from a spiritual vantage is the human aspect of our condition. Feeling isolated, depressed, alone, invisible, abandoned or betrayed are common manifestations revelatory of a belief in separation.